Training Schedule

Current for Winter 2012-2013

I'm just getting back into a good training schedule, starting Dec 4, 2012. I really let myself go after being in the best shape of my life in September and going 5:47 in a 70.3 at Bear Lake.  I was in great shape but bonked on the run because I biked too hard...newbie mistake that I consciously tried to prevent but it still got me.

Anyway, here I am in December 2012.

I'm building to a 70.3 in June or July, and then an Olympic in August. Maybe and Xterra in Park City, UT, in September if I can hold onto a training routine that long.

I'm concentrating on a 3-2-1 philosophy for training, starting with fairly low overall volume. I plan to do one short/hard effort, two moderate efforts (length and effort), and one long/easy effort each week for each sport, and I want to throw in three weight lifting routines each week (yes, I follow my own book routine!).  That goes til spring break, when I move outside (weather permitting) and focus more on volume and bricks.  Then in the second half of May, June, July, I do some specific race distance preps.

For starters, this is what my first week looks like, and below that is the peak-week right before the 70.3.

December 3, 2012SBRT
Monday amBike 1hr, S-1.208
Monday lunchRun 5 miles20
Monday pmQuick Lift
Tuesday amBike 60 mins16
Tuesday lunchRun 5 miles20
Tuesday pm
Wednesday amBike-60, S-1k1016
Wednesday lunchRun to lift12
Wednesday pm
Thursday amBike 60 mins16
Thursday lunchSwim 150015
Thursday pm
Friday amRun-4, Q-Lift16
Friday lunchSwim 150015
Friday pm
SaturdayBike 75 mins21
SundayRun 3 miles12

Final week before the 70.3 looks like this:

Monday amB-90m,S-2.62626
Monday lunchRun 6 miles24
Monday pm
Tuesday amBike 120 mins38
Tuesday lunchRun 6 miles24
Tuesday pm
Wednesday amB- 90m,S-2.62626
Wednesday   lunchRun AK12
Wednesday pm
Thursday amBike 120 mins38
Thursday lunchSwim 320032
Thursday pmLong Bike Out?
Friday amRun 9 miles36
Friday lunchSwim 320032
Friday pm
SaturdayBike 3 hours56
SundayRun 1352

Old Stuff Is Below

I'm not currently doing this because I'm in base period where I want to focus on being consistent with building volume, not really worried about intensity right now (but including high intensity as appropriate).

For Nov 11 - Jan 12, I'm doing some really basic workouts to build a good aero foundation. 

Below is the High Intensity Race Training plan I'll get into as the races get closer.

Training Principles and Objectives:
1. Increasing bicycle muscular endurance to meet 60minute goal in 40k TT. The 2x20/2x10 and high gear/low cad are designed to increase muscular endurance.

2. Run 10k consistently at a moderate pace.Consistency is the key to improvement in the run.

3. Each week include a distance equal to 150%, 100%, and 50% of the race distance with appropriate intensity (short=hard, long=easy).

4. Until May, swim simply to maintain form and keep weight down.

5. For percentages, 50% of overall points for bike is ideal, with 30% for run and 20% for swim. The below schedule doesn't result in that, but it is a schedule that is 1) actually doable on a weekly schedule and 2) will keep me motivated throughout the training season so I'm going with it. Friday lunch swim and Sunday afternoon swim can be swapped for a bike if I want to.

6. No more weight lifting because I didn't re-up my gym membership. Bummer.

7. Starting the year at 185 pounds. Race day goal is 172. Although that's a 13 pound difference, I feel confident that the pounds I have now will come off fairly easily with this training schedule.

Mam 40 mile POWER
2 hours
40 miles
M lunch 10k
T am 2x20 + 2 x10 FTP
1.5 hours/ 36 miles
T lunch 10k moderate
W am 12 miles EASY
45 minutes
10k moderate
W lunch2k 20x100
R am 2x20 + 2x10 FTP
1.5 hours / 36 miles
5k moderate
R lunch2k 4x500
F am 9 miler easy
F lunch2k1x2000
Sa 30 miler
1.5 hours  POWER
Su3k: 2x1500 10k
totals9k15436 miles
points90154120 (not including 24pts from 10k on Sunday because that’s a “nice to do” not must do)364 total points
% of 364 points24.7%42.3%33%

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