Sunday, July 31, 2011

New personal info required for MapMyRide, MapMyRun, etc

I was going to write about how tomorrow is a great day to get back into a good workout routine because it's the first of the month and a Monday. I'm excited about doing that because I've let myself go for the ENTIRE month of July and I feel like crap.  But......

I went to log-in to tonight. Up pops a window that says they "need some more information" from me, like birthday and whether I'm male or female. I understand the marketing side of a free site, but I'm not giving up that information when they didn't need it before. So I go over to, hoping that somehow that new requirement isn't there, too, but no luck. So I found their survey and told them I'm no longer using the site until they drop that requirement for additional personal information.  I'll just use Google Earth or something until that happens. Til then, I can't share a route easily in the blog. But I'm drawing a line on personal information being on everyone's server. Maybe I'll change my mind down the road, but for now I think it's too much.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Reset Button!

Well, the entire month of July fell apart for workouts. The Pocatello race was fun, of course, but I had almost no workouts because of travel and other work.

So now I'm telling myself that I'll just hit the reset button and start again...FRESH!....on August 1. That sounds good, right. I might have lost some fitness, but I I certainly still have a nice foundation. I'll just have to build the high-intensity level again. The goal is to be able to do well at the Xterra Triathlon in Park City.

That's what I'm telling myself now, anyway.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Breakfast like a king.... » Racing Weight: The Benefits Of Eating A Big Breakfast –

Ten years ago, I didn't believe the idea that big breakfast was the healthiest way to go. After making a concerted effort to change that in the past five years, I now know the truth. Whoever said it was right: "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper" is definitely the way to go.  Going one step further, I would like to add that a big workout right when you get up (after a couple cups of coffee, of course) followed by the big breakfast is a sure-fire way to lose weight.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pocatello Tri race results

Race day came and went. Nice course. Chip seal wasn't bad. Swam in my own lane in a second of two waves, then biked basically all alone, then ran basically alone, too. 6am start was EARLY but ok; would have been really hot otherwise. Only 20 people in the olympic distance, 120 or so in the sprint distance.

Completed the olympic distance in 2:25:XX. Kind of slow but a nice race.

This was the inaugural Olympic Distance race for Pocatello. Lance and crew did a GREAT job with it. Very informal, with a kind of show-n-go feel to it.

Details in a few days.

Race Day!

It's dark as I'm ready to ride down to the park! I have no race plan, and I have this crazy idea of just cruising through the race and enjoying it instead of pushing to the limit. Weather should be nice, perfect actually. Off we go!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hometown race on Saturday, BUT....

But I haven't been prepping at all. I have maybe three workouts in the last four weeks since my last race.

I've heard of post-race blues, but this my first experience with them. Like I said three weeks ago, I just can't find the motivation. I'm also travelling alot for work and fun that is causing some schedule issues. It's also interesting that I haven't gained any weight with no workouts and eating and drinking whatever I feel like.

I'm wondering how others deal with this.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Recover, Rest, Relaxation

Incredibly, I am still sore from drill PT on Sunday! How does that happen? Do a few leg lifts, sprint 100 yards, jog a bit, pushups, pullups....and then still sore three days later. It boggles the mind. Anyway....

Tomorrow me and the family are off to Yellowstone for R&R&R. Fishing will be tough because the water is incredibly high. And I won't be spending any time in the backcountry because of the little ones (I'm going to wait til they are potty trained to go into the backcountry. I don't want a bear sniffing around some diapers). Weather should be standard weather, so we'll get some hiking in, of course.

I always feel incredibly refreshed after a few days in Yellowstone, and I'm looking forward to making some family memories (not that the little ones could remember, but that's why we have cameras!).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Still not 100% mentally after Pacific Crest Tri

It's been two weeks since the Pacific Crest race, and I still can't find any intensity during workouts. And the workouts I manage to get in are quite short. Example: over the weekend at Marine Corps drill, running barely four miles at sea level was nearly killing me. I got on the bike trainer this morning and could only manage 12 miles and 45 minutes before running out motivation.  A 1,000 yard swim today was nice, only because I decided I shouldn't expect more than 1,000 yards as the FIRST SWIM IN TWO WEEKS(!).

What the heck is going on? I was hoping to have a great race next weekend here in my hometown, the first time my schedule has let me do this race. Not sure what's going to happen.

The psychology game is definitely the toughest piece to get together sometimes.

Maybe I need to get this book!!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pacific Crest Olympic Tri Race Report: Part 3 Detailed Review

Below is my detailed review of the Pacific Crest Olympic Triathlon 2011. The black text is the race plan, and then I added my post-race comments in red text to match reality to the goal.

This is the type of detailed planning I like to do to get rid of the nerves and wondering if I'm ready in the last week. By writing all this out, I have a good idea of where I want to be and if I'm truly capable of doing that.

You might notice this looks alot like a military SMEAC order (Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin/Logistics, Command/Signal). You are correct, sir! This is my adaptation of a Marine Corps order format to my own planning process for triathlon.

Finally, I should note that this is part of a bigger picture thing. I have an overall triathlon philosophy and goals plan, an annual training plan, a race plan, and then they all go back to make the next year's training and race plan. It's the standard project management cycle, really, applied to triathlon.

Anyway, enough of me talking. Here's the detailed review.

Questions and comments are encouraged! Does anyone else put together something like this?

Race Plan
Pacific Crest Olympic Triathlon
Sun River, Oregon
June 26, 2011


I’m excited about this race! It is a family weekend trip in a great venue. Unfortunately, it’s the first race of the year, and I haven’t done any open water swims. Then there is the driving factor, hopefully only ten hours of driving on Thursday. I hope that Paul will do the little kiddies’ triathlon on Friday night.

Venue/Course: This race is an Olympic Distance race in the mountains of Oregon. Elevation of the swim in the lake is about 4700ft, with a 28-mile bike course starting at 4700ft, rolling up over one hill that has 400ft of climb in 2-3 miles beginning at approx mile 12, and then down into Sun River at an elevation of 4200ft.

            Course Advantages For Me

·         The swim is in an alpine lake, which is what I normally swim in, and others from Oregon, specifically Portland, may not be used to that kind of swim.  Seems correct. Swim went well.
·         The run is at 4200ft elevation, which is the elevation that I live and train at in Pocatello. The elevation won’t be a problem for me. Elevation wasn't a problem. Didn't confirm that it was an advantage other than seeing myself pass people on the bike for the first time ever.

            Course Disadvantages For Me

·         The longer bike course is definitely a disadvantage for me because my bike leg sucks. Not sure how to think about the bike. It was fast, but it killed my run.
·         Originally, I thought the weather was going to be a disadvantage because reports say it can get hot on the run. With no hot days yet in Pocatello this year, any type of heat will be a disadvantage for me because I’m not used to any heat. Current weather reports of highs in the mid-70’s are favorable for me, although that is still on the warm side for what I’ve trained in so far. Swim went well, so this was probably "just nerves."
Overall Training: I’m not happy with how the months of April and May training went. With the trainer breaking and so much travel, I lost consistency and it felt like I was restarting a training cycle nearly every Monday morning. Yet again  this year, I lost the ability to get up in the morning beginning with the time change in March, and that threw plans off. Noah came in March, and he has been less of an impact than expected (and he’s so cool!). Winter months went great, but spring months fell apart with bad weather and a broken trainer.

Swim: Swim training was sporadic at best. I didn’t get in any open water swim yet, and I don’t see that happening until I maybe get one in at the race venue. Pool temps at Reed Gym are way too hot to get any good volume at good intensity. I haven’t put my wetsuit on yet this year! This swim is going to be tough!

Bike: Trainer broke, and then I lost all consistency. With the time change in March, I lost the ability to get up in the morning for early morning workouts (although I did great January, February and early March!). I haven’t had nearly enough time on the roads as I want, but I have done several 28 mile road rides to the ski-hill turn, and I think those will pay huge dividends during the race when I start struggling mentally; having done the full 28 miles, I’ll have that confidence that it is really only ten minutes longer than the regular ride.

Run: I ran great all winter, with great consistency, and into spring for the most part. In May and early June, I lost some consistency, but my lunch-10k time kept coming down, so I guess I was doing something right. I haven’t done a full race brick at a hard pace, so I don’t know how the bike will affect my run during the race; I suspect I’ll be hurting at the end of race, which is how it should be anyway. Earlier this year, I ran a lifetime PR of 17:40 3-mile on my PFT, so I’m certainly a better runner than last year. I ran a 10 minute 1.5 mile off a 110% effort on a 10k bike ride, and that included a tough first .75 miles and a negative split of 20 seconds on just a .75 mile out/back…so I should definitely look at getting faster from miles 1 to 4 or 5 and then just hanging on and pushing every possible bit for mile 6 in the race.

Equipment: Nothing significant is new this year. I replaced my cleats but haven’t actually put them on yet; not sure I want to at this point because then they are new gear on race day.  I didn’t get new goggles, so racing with the face mask again, which is probably a good thing.

Psychology: Confidence is hit and miss this year. I feel strong and confident on some days, and then I start thinking about the inconsistency of my bike riding and no hard race-distance bricks done yet,  and any confidence is quickly shattered.  Also, I know that the swim is going to be difficult and painful, so that is concerning to me and affects confidence. I’m surprised at how I am becoming a much better runner, so maybe that will kick in the confidence levels for the last mile or two push into the finish on race day.


On June 26, 2011, finish the Pacific Crest Olympic Triathlon in under 2:30 while maintaining a weekend focus on having fun with Tera’s family and ensuring safety at all times.

Intent: This is a family trip combined with my “A” race for the year (and so far only race except the Bengal Tri). Stay safe. Have fun. Race my best, finishing in the top 15% of my age group and top 10% overall. If that means a podium in my age group, that’s awesome, but it’s not a big deal if I don’t place in my age group.

Mission accomplished except for the overall time goal. Family remained priority. We stayed safe. I raced my best, certainly didn't give up and things went pretty well overall (no flats, etc). About 18% in age group, so missed that just barely. Met 10% overall; no podium.

Objectives and Tasks

Goal Times (Perfect World / High Realistic / Average)

High Exp
Avg Exp


*61 40-44 males registered on June 20, 2011

Top 10% overall in 2011 was 2:37:23
Top 10% Males 40-44 in 2011 was 2:27:40
3rd place in Males 40-44 in 2011 was 2:24:31
4th place in Males 40-44 in 2011 was 2:27:40


Travel Safely

-          Vehicle PM before leaving. Yes
-          Rotate tires before leaving. Yes
-          Pack so I don’t have blind spots. Yes
-          Drive the speed limit. Mostly
-          Stop driving if I’m drowsy. Yes

Have Fun

-          Try to get Paul to do the kiddie triathlon. Yes but didn't do it. Not really ready.
-          Don’t be so serious about the race that I don’t have fun on Friday and Saturday. Yes
-          Go out and cheer others on. Spread the good vibes. Yes
-          Remember that family comes before the race on the overall priority list. Yes

Finish the Race in under 2:30

-          Eat healthy as possible but don’t starve myself. Maintain normal diet as much as possible. Yes
-          Setup T1 appropriately the night before. Things have to be neat and tidy and minimized, ready to be thrown in the bag quickly right before I leave with nothing left to chance being left laying around on the ground. Yes
-          Setup T2 appropriately. Minimize the area. Flag it if rules allow. Should be just shoes and gel with a shot of HEED available. Yes
-          Understand and practice the morning logistics of travel to the lake and not being able to go back up there easily. Yes
-          Try to get a short swim or two in the wetsuit in the lake on Friday or Saturday. Yes
-          Set bike gear correctly…big ring, two from top on the back. Yes

-          Goal Times: 22:00 – 23:00 – 25:00
-          Goal Average Heart Rate = 148 (kind of guessing on this; it seems high) 153
-          Get a good ten minute warm-up before the race begins, with a bit of water down in the suit to warm up. Yes
-          Don’t forget my defog gel! Or Earplugs, Or Goggles. Yes
-          Relax on the first 500 yards. Start with a MODERATE pace and BREATHE. Yes
-          Find someone to follow so I don’t have to site, drafting if possible. Yes
-          LONG and STRONG strokes.  Yes
-          Pick up the pace going 500 – 1300 meters, then cruise in for last 200 meters. Yes but had to pick my way through swimmers at the last 200 yards.
-          If panic comes on, immediately begin backstroke to gather myself mentally. No panic!
-          Brush toes and keep knees close together to keep streamlined. Yes

-          Goal Times: 1:45 – 2:15 – 3:00 3:30. Slow but went ok, had to ensure everything was in the transition bag, and I needed to grab extra water.
-          Run to the bike area with suit on, start unzipping 20 yards away from bike. Yes
-          Use right hand to undo the neck, left hand to unzip. Yes Worked well. Faster than normal.
-          Rip that sucker off…don’t worry about tearing it. Yes. stuck on ankles again(!).
-          Socks or not? TBD morning of. Socks
-          Jam everything into the bag and then into the transport bag. Yes
-          Smooth is fast. Yes
-          Shot of gel before leaving T1. Yes

-          Goal Times: 1:18 – 1:23 – 1:27 for 28 mile course with a big hill and elevation. Very difficult to gauge my goal times on this course until I see it. If I average 22mph over a flat course, it should take about 1:17. This course has a big uphill and then a long downhill, so I don’t know how to calculate expected speeds. 1:21:46 Got into the high expectations on this one. Felt good, was worried how it would affect my run, but it was going really well so I went with it.
-          Goal Average Heart Rate = 156 160 actual
-          Out of the gate: Get on and get going. Set cruise early on at heart rate of 156. No. HR was 160 the entire way with very little fluctuation. I came out of T1 at 148, and immediately went to 160.
-          Head down, choke up on the seat, stay low and narrow. Yes
-          Turn the circle, lift the knees. Yes
-          Gels at Miles 4, 14 – TA, 22, 26. Mostly.
-          HEED at Miles 6, 15, 24 No. No water bottle! Water at 6 and 12, then no other. Dehyrdration caught up with me at mile 4 on the run, combined with the heat.
-          If I flat, take a split and then fix it and move on. Don’t let it upset my day. “Start Over” with the new split. No Flat
-          Push hard on the uphill to take advantage of “speed percentages” it’s easier to be 10% faster on the uphill than on the downhill. Yes
-          Remember to keep pushing even on the downhill. Head down and go, just like the trainer. Yes, lots of fun.
-          Left Arm Notes: Gel: 4, TA, 22, 26. Bike TA=39  Push UP, Hard Cruise, AHR=156 No arm notes. I'm able to remember what I need during teh races now.

-          Goal Times: 1:15 / 1:45 / 2:15  1:23! Good job!
-          In and out. Yes
-          Shot of Gel and HEED before leaving. Yes

-          Goal Times:  43:30 / 45:00 / 47:00 No. Died at mile 4. Very tired by mile 3. Dehydration and heat got me.
-          Goal Paces 1-7:30 2–7:20 (14:50) 3–7:10 (21:50) 4–7:00 (28:50) 5–6:40 (35:30) 6–6:40  (42:10) What a joke. Came out of the gate at 7:04 and the slower from there. Didn't get good splits after the first mile because I wasn't tracking the correct mile marker signs.
-          Goal Average Heart Rate: 164  No, 168 actual. Fluctuated alot between 164 and 171 but 168 looks like average.
-          First half mile: get breathing under control and get the brain in run mode. Yes
-          Get into a good groove early and build from there. No. Never got the groove really, certainly didn't build.
-          Gels at 1, 2.5, 4 Yes
-          Right Arm Notes: Gels 1, 2.5, 5 Build to Strong Finish AHR=164 Run T/A=22 No. didn't put notes on arms.
-          Good strong finish such that I’m completely DUN at the end. No strong finish but I was definitely DUN at the end...DUN squared times ten is probably a better description.
-          Dump water on head at aid stations. Yes
-          Sips at stations, no big drinks. Yes

-          Soak wetsuit prior to putting on. Yes
-          Test ride after race tires put on. Yes
-          Clean bike = fast bike Yes, Friday afternoon
-          Clean chain = smooth chain Yes, Friday afternoon
-          Have Fun! Yes
-          Enjoy the race. Encourage others. Yes
-          Thank volunteers. Yes
-          Don’t get pissy about the results. This is a family fun weekend.  Yes, except for first hour right after race when I was hurting really bad.

-          Relax. Yes
-          Review plan; compare plan to reality. Immediately write it down, along with corrective actions. Yes
-          Thank Tera. Yes

Admin / Logistics

Packing List: use standard gear list. Travel with everything for the race in one pack, and then split it into T1 and T2 packs on Friday. Transitions are separate locations.

On the bike
Need two flasks of gel. One for bike. One for run.
One bottle of HEED on the bike.
Repair kit on the bike, with hand pump taped under upper frame bar. 2xPitStop taped on, too.

-          Wetsuit, Goggles, Ear Plugs, defogger
-          Tri shorts, green compression shirt, socks TBD – gels in pocket from T1
-          Sunglasses
-          Nike running shoes.

Timeline and Tasks

Time / Day
Depart Pocatello
0400, Thursday

Arrive Sunriver
1500, Thursday

Check-in for race
Attend Expo
View lake / drive bike course
0900, Friday

Setup bike and T1 bag
1400, Friday

Kiddies Triathlon
Preps @ 1500, Friday
Race  @ 1600, Friday

Bike Transport
1000, Saturday

Setup T2
1500, Saturday

Race Day Reveille
0530, Sunday

Ride to lake
0630, Sunday

Arrive at lake
0700, Sunday

Recheck T1
0715, Sunday

Wetsuit on, warmup
0730 – 0800, Sunday
Have to get out for other races to start.




Bike Elevation Profile



Race Fee

race fee

$5 fee


total race cost



RT miles

avg mpg

total gas cost




total billeting



total food


$/day misc


total misc


Command and Signal

Race Website:

Race Bib Number:

Registration Confirmation:

Backcountry Views

Art Prints

Check out my e-book "Weight Training Routine For Olympic and Sprint Triathlons"

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