Went for a run today at lunch. AWESOME weather! 29degrees, sunny, and NO wind! It was simply a nice day to go out for a run. Life is good.
This morning I got up with Paul at 5:05am to feed him. I thought "What great timing. I'll be able to go to the gym now!" As he fell asleep at 5:35, I started thinking I should go back to bed because I was tired, I needed to recover some more, and I was scheduled to go to a work meeting tonight that includes a 90 minutes drive through rural SE Idaho (ie sleeper drive if I'm tired). That's right, I pulled the safety card on myself; kinda crazy. After 15 minutes of arguing with myself in the dark, I made it to the gym.....and the meeting was cancelled, so I'm glad I went.
This blog looks pretty bland compared to others I've looked at. I'll try to spice it up for the many readers. An associated web site will have some of my training files on it, photos, and other good stuff. Still working on that!
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
Backcountry Views

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