A nice weekend so far, ending a nice week to catch up on personal stuff. Thursday night was my muscular endurance bike workout. I'm at 4 sets of 17 minutes with two minutes rest on what I call my 8th gear on the big ring. I'm such a bike newbie that I don't even know the right terms for my gears! Anyway, I nailed the first two sets faster and easier than the previous week; my third set was about the same as last week (same Heart Rate, average cadence 1 rpm higher).
My fourth set was something else! I think the skiing from the previous weekend was still sitting deep in my legs because I got really tired. I couldn't hold over 70rpm in the same gear, so I had to ease up one gear, and I still got an avg cadence of only 75. I was really mashing, and I can feel it in my left knee now. That was interesting thing to learn about biking; I MUST keep a higher cadence because the mashing in a low gear has a fast and nasty effect on my knees. Anyway, I pushed through that last set, debating the pros and cons of stopping early because of my knee. Ultimately, I kept going just so I can have all my "data points" filled in on my workout spreadsheets that I use to gauge improvements in fitness.
The only thing I did on Friday was the weight lifting, and I backed off about 10% on the weights I use. That was a smart thing because for some reason I could barely do those sets.
Today, Saturday, I sat in the hottub for 30 minutes for a morning workout. That's my kind of workout! It felt really great and I really think it will improve the rest and recovery that is supposed to be happening. Then we took Paul to his first college basketball game, the Idaho State University women's game against Sacramento State....we won and it was a good game.
Tomorrow is my "test" during the R/R week. I use a spinnerval Sufferfest! for this test. It's a 20 minute time trial on the bike trainer. Again, I use the gearing/cadence/average heart rate data to determine if I'm improving. My legs are good for at least 20 minutes.
Monday I'm planning to finally get that swim video!
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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