What happened this week?
1. Goal was to ride for 60 minutes each day Monday through Friday. I did it Monday through Thursday, then had to watch Paul Friday morning when he woke up early. I did the ride on Saturday morning, so I met that goal.
2. Run 15 miles. I got in 14 miles. Missed the Saturday run when Paul woke up early (again!) and couldn't run after the bike. Was going to run during a BEAUTIFUL Saturday afternoon, but I took a nap instead. I was really tired and really cranky. I very rarely take a nap, and I can't remember when the last time I took a nap was. Original goal from the annual training plan was 20 miles this week, but I dropped it to 15 miles to avoid any injuries from too much volume too fast. So far so good. Next week is 20 miles. I had absolutely no problems this week.
3. On Slowtwitch, I saw a post that included the opportunity to demo an Adamo road saddle. I pm'd him, and he'll send me some details. I'm pretty excited about it.
4. I got a blue-lamp this weekend, and I'm going to use it for the hour in the morning while I'm biking. I generally have lots of trouble getting up in the morning during the winter, and more trouble getting going when I finally wake up. I hope that this solves the problem.
5. I'll drop my handlebars by one spacer after I get done with this post. With no problems all week from the change in the cleat position, I'm going to call that a good change, so I'm ready for the next change....dropping the handlebars.
6. I also got some Acai and Green Tea drink mixes to drink during the day. I've been using an Acai powder for about 10 years (before the big hype started), and the Green Tea is always something I've thought of. Today at Costco, I saw some handy drink mixes that I'll try out.
7. Ski season is about two months away!
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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