Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tour of Sufferlandia Day 6

This one hurt! The first 50 minutes or so went great. Wretched is a cool video but is not my favorite video, and that was the starter today. Nothing special, but I never fail to laugh when I do this video, either....which is a good thing because I'm supposed to be having fun, too,....right?

The Long Scream is one of my favorites. I don't do it alot because it hurts alot. But when I do it, I know I come out a better rider. This one hurt today..ALOT.

I've been doing these workouts set at 90%. Today was no exception, until I wondered why...half-way through The Long Scream...I was about to die with another 15 minutes to do. I had it set at 100%. OUCH. Heart rate pounding. Legs burning. No wonder why. I dialed that back and found some more motivation when the pain dropped back to about 8 of 10. With about 5 minutes left, I had to completely stop for about 10 seconds just to catch my breath. It's amazing how much just a 10 second stop can help...I tore into it after that and finished strong.

Interesting that you can see how uneven my effort level is with these graphs. My output jumps around alot from 205 to 225 to 215 and up and down like that alot, especially towards the end. I suppose that can't be very efficient and it hurts my run if I do that in a race. Just one more thing to think about, I guess.
Data files below. I did this workout at 11:30am, and I'm not doing the next one til 9pm tomorrow, so I am thankful for the longer rest period. Legs are hurting as I write this 10 hours after the workout.

longscream1 wretched1

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