I'm not one to workout on Sunday. I prefer to hang out doing something other than an actual workout. That's not to say that I won't be physicaly active on Sunday because I often hike, fish, or ski on a Sunday. But to go out running or biking on a Sunday is something new.
That's where I found myself today. It was a beautiful afternoon, blue skies, no wind, and about 35 degrees. I took advantage of the opportunity to do my third run of the week (I wanted to get four, but the meeting Thursday night prevented that). Off I went at 1:00pm on my longest standard course of 6.6 miles. I got back in 57:44. My baseline from September was 54:30 running hard at level 4. This 57:44 was run quite easily at a level of 2.7 (what I call "going for a jog and putting out just a bit of effort"). I figure if I was running hard, I would have at least got to 55:00. That means I think I'm at the same fitness level I was at the end of the September 2008. I'm quite excited about that.
Why do something people not understand basic safety principles and think that if it's legal, it's right?
Here's a story for you: Part of today's run was a loop around a local field that is a leashless area for dogs. I saw a dog get hit by a car, but he wasn't hurt. In this case, it was the dog's fault because it was pretty dumb about being next to a moving car. Five minutes later and still in that area, I saw a truck cruising up the street and possibly going faster than the speed limit and certainly faster than he should have been going, considering the many dogs and kids out playing in the area on this beautiful afternoon. I motioned my hand and said "Slow down, dude" as he drove by. No reaction from him. A few seconds later, he pulled up behind me and asked if I wanted something. I said I was hoping he would slow down because of all the kids and dogs in the area. He said "I'm going the speed limit." At that point, I started to get really frustrated because it was clear he didn't understand to simply slow down because of the kids and dogs, no matter what the speed limit was. I said I had just seen a dog get hit, and there are alot of kids in the area. Again, he said he was going the speed limit. I explained I didn't say he was speeding, just that he should slows down. As I felt some anger welling up, I just said, "I'm not going to argue. Do whatever you do." And I started running again. He drove my mumbling something akin to kissing part of his body.
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
Backcountry Views

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