Wow, I'm still trying to figure out what happened yesterday, and already I have to think about what I'm doing on Sunday in Portland. Lesson learned: no back-to-back races next year.
And my computer is crashing (BSODs!) after Windows SP2 update....damn it. That means all my planning thoughts and notes are gone for now. It should be an easy fix, but it's beyond me right now. I've tried everything suggested from various non-MS luck. At least I know the files are safe and it's an OS problem. Now if I could just find that recovery disc!
Anyway, I figured out the Willamette River current is .34 mph....not fast at all, but I have to swim 750m in it on the back half of the swim....never done that before. Water temp is currently about 68 degrees; anything over 72 I won't wear a wetsuit (I think; the wetsuit is a nice safety blanket, even for a good swimmer). Current forecast is low of 55 and high of 80-85. Last three days, calm wind in the morning til about 8am when it picks up to 5 and then about 8 at 10am. I'll be on the bike from 8am-9:15am or so, so I guess there will be a slight breeze from the west, which is against me on half of the long hill that is done each of three loops. Gonna have to keep a good aero position for this (I've been practicing to come out of aero under 12mph, but I won't be able to do that, so I already have one strike against me!).
I also realized that I didn't have to stop for bathroom break yesterday. That's another plus for that race. Last year at Bear Lake, I had to pee after the bike, and that added at least two minutes. So, I have to remember to limit water intake the morning of.
Right now, I'm thinking 2:20 is a realistic finish time for the Portland Tri. Tomorrow I'm going to do my simulation hill for this race one time at race effort to see where I'm at with that to check my current level and then make my guestimate on the bike time. I'm really hoping the elevation change makes a difference for me!
The 20-60-40 goal ain't happenin' this year! I'm still 10% off, using yesterday's times, and I don't think I can run much faster than that...two minutes faster is the best possible I think, for a 42min 10k. The bike...I just don't know what's happening on that; I'm training hard and not getting anywhere. I really think not having the bike computer in June and July hurt me alot on that; the fishing trip took away three good rides I could have done, too. I think I can hit 22 on this swim on Sunday, and that's a full 10% off the goal, too, but I know that is from not training the swim to focus on the bike.
The goal now is to take off 10% from the bike and run at the Bear Lake tri in Sept. That gives me a 1:08 on the bike and 42 or so on the run. The swim from last year was so bad that I'm not even going to use it to compare (I started late and stopped alot for siting).
Anyway, that's what I'm thinking about right now.
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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