I did my Portland simulation route tonight on the bike. Tonight it was after dinner because of some errands. I didn't run at lunch either because of errands.
The bike workout had some strange results. I was full from dinner and it was quite windy, so I wasn't expecting anything spectacular tonight....it was another case of "consistent workouts of any quality are better than inconsistent workouts of high quality." Anyway, the uphills were quite slow, and the downhills were quite fast. Then, I PR'd a short uphill section on the way home (I keep a standard split for this section). Overall, my time was very consistent with other workouts of higher quality. Does that mean I'm getting better or losing fitness on the uphill, of which the Portland race (an "A" Race this year) is 1/2 uphill? I don't know.
I am realizing that my priorities in life are squaring off right now. This is my last week to gain fitness for the Portland race because I'll be in the backcountry fishing (Hellroaring Creek area on the Yellowstone in the Yellowstone Park!) from Friday to Tuesday morning. Then a couple of days in the park with family. Come home next Thursday. Then the Rexburg race on Saturday, then leaving for Portland the next Wednesday afternoon. AAAAAHHHH! Scheduling hell, for sure, and not much time for even maintaining a fitness level.
The biggest race of the year is Sept 12, though, and all this time in August is affecting that now, too, I've realized. After the Portland race on Aug 23d, I have only three weeks, one of which is/should be a taper week of some sort and there is yet another backcountry visit to Yellowstone (Bechler River for Labor Day!). That's the biggest race of the year because it THE race I have a time from last year to compare to see if I've really met my goals for the year.
I'm realizing that I'm not as dedicated and committed to this triathlon thing as I want to be or thought I was. I am realizing that my scheduling sucks! Next year, only one race per month at the most. To be fair, though, the fishing schedule came to be what it is because of three other people's schedules, all of whom have this fishing week as the biggest week of the summer. And I have to remember that my overall triathlon philosophy has "keep Tera and Paul at the top of the priority list," which I've been doing. So, I guess I'm learning something today that I can apply next year. "Learning is taking place," so all is good in the big picture.
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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