A guy at Nytro is doing a series on how to reach 60 minutes on a 40k TT at http://www.nytro.com/index.cfm/nytro-blog/an-open-challenge-to-nytro-readers-beat-the-hour-for-the-40k/ in conjunction with a challenge he has put out to his readers.
Be sure to watch the motivation video at http://vimeo.com/16468046. I'd love to see the rest of that video. I'd even pay for it, up to $15 for a download I suppose. But I can't find it.
This challenge is also posted on Slowtitch at http://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/Im_issuing_a_challenge_to_Slowtwitchers:_Beat_the_hour_for_40K.__P3133131 Iand got a lot of responses, from basics of it's too easy of a goal to something along the lines of it's a good goal for me, so I'm doing it. Hey..It's been my goal all along, and I'm still shooting for it!
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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