Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tour of Sufferlandria Day 8 done

This hurt as expected. There Is No Try wasn't so painful really, but it took alot out of me, considering what Revolver needs from you. I actually enjoyed There Is No Try, mostly because of the TT section in the middle.

There is a reason I hadn't purchased Revolver prior to today's tour requirements. I know what 15x1 can do to a person because we used to do wrestling matches like that in practice back in the day. Go at it really hard for a minute or two, then take that same time off. Repeat 10-15 times, whatever time is left of practice. Keep score. It works out to be about a half hour of pure pain. No, I didn't need that type of workout sitting in my house/computer making fun of me all the time because I was scared of it.
But I survived. I didn't even half-ass or skip any of the intervals. Every one of them done at 90% FTP or better for the full minute. 

Seems like the worst day was ABSOLUTELY TODAY. 

I know tomorrow will be ABSOLUTELY THE BEST DAY! I will even have some celebratory beverage awaiting for me. I didn't realize until tonight that I haven't had any alcohol since this tour started because there simply has been no time for it. I don't want to drink a beer or wine at 7pm and then workout at 9pm...what if the Tour Officials asked for a blood sample right before the race?  

Anyway, it certainly contributed to the current weight-loss of about 6.4 pounds on this tour; there must be some sort of synergistic affect happening between the timing of this being week six of a great cycle, no weight lifting since Monday, and getting average sleep.....where was I?

Oh yes, as I write this only 30 short minutes after getting off the bike, a bit of residual oxygen-debt lingers.
I'm excited about tomorrow. It's my favorite Sufferfest video for sure. I know I can get excited about it and hammer it out. And then I'll take two days off and start this running thing I've been neglecting for the past 60 days. 

Data files below.  Debating internally if I want to sleep in and go to the late church service after this morning's early rise.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for providing plenty of useful content. I will bookmark your site and will be coming back as often as I can.

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