Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hump Day......

After the Tour of Sufferlandria and now building consistency in my running, I'm finding that the third day is THE CRUCIAL day in a run for consistency.  This isn't anything new...Wednesday of a standard workweek is known as Hump Day for a reason.

But in terms of building consistency, there is more to it than just looking at it as "half-way to the weekend" or half-way to my goal of "running every day this week."

I think the biggest thing is the physical aspect that, if you're just starting or getting back into a consistent routine, your body is really tired on that third morning. And all you want to do is REST. But, that rest is what will kill your run for consistency. It's best to then apply the theory that "less is more" and do any level of time and effort that allows you to maintain that consistency. If  you are starting out with a goal of running three miles each day this week, Wednesday of the first week could easily turn into a 1.5 or 2 mile walk/jog event because you probably do need to give your body a break but you want to maintain consistency. The balancing act of volume and effort is an art that you learn after a while.

My point is that consistency is key. If you're tired on day three of a new routine or cycle, dial-down your volume or effort but still do something. This  maintains your overall schedule, your mental game that keeps you on track, and your body gets the consistency it needs to make gains.

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