Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tour of Sufferlandia Day 3

Wow! Somewhere deep down below all the pain I can feel mass improvements coming my way, and we're only 1/3 of the way through this tour.  Day three description is here. Data files shown below of Extra Shot and Fight Club.

Funny thing...I bought Extra Shot when it first came out, but I don't remember ever seeing it before. Nice ride. Have to remember this one.

Fight Club. I always get this one mixed up with the other early one, Downward Spiral. This one didn't crush me like I always remember it hurting. But then I  was set at 90%. And..uhh, yeah....I didn't do the attacks on the last set. So I guess I lost this one. Certainly got dropped.

Total of 24 miles in 1:25:00 time.

I'm remembering to get some Recoverite in me right after the workout.  The workout ends, I get off the bike, and within two minutes I have downed a serving or two of Recoverite. I think that immediacy is so incredibly important.


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