Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tour of Sufferlandia Day 1

Woohoo! I completed the Tour of Sufferlandia Stage 1...Hell Hath No Fury. I haven't done that video in a long time, and I've probably only done it 4-5 times total. I forgot that it includes 2x20 minute efforts! That's exactly what I need to be working on. This online tour is kind of exciting, and my wife is tired about hearing about it!

So...what about the TrainerRoad? I like it! It's great software with really great feedback. And it can be used with any video?!?! I really like that!

Bottom line: if you're a newbie wondering about the ANT+ and TrainerRoad, go ahead and dive right in. It's awesome!

I got my ANT+ speed/cadence sensor in the mail TODAY at noon! Just in time logistics, I say. It took me about 10 minutes at the very most to get the package from the mail, take it downstairs, open, put it on my bike using an old set of magnets I never took off, install the ANT+ USB stick, download the Garmin drivers, download TrainerRoad, and get a quick read on a basic workout to make sure it will work tonight. This was incredibly so easy to setup!  And..BAM!...all the videos and other workouts end up on your screen. Great stuff!

The only problem I had was that I was getting a very inconsistent reading on the power. Cadence was a good, steady read, though. The entire 75 minutes I told myself that the wireless USB mouse was causing the problem but I never turned it off. Turns out that is probably the cause, according to the support website of the, and it makes sense. I'll get my chance to fix it tomorrow during Stage 2: The Hunted,  my personal favorite Sufferfest video.

Oh yeah, I should say that I didn't do the FTP test. I guess at a 230 based on what I've been seeing on the Kurt Kinetic "power" computer the last two months.  If this workout is a true indication of what I should be doing in terms of watts at given effort levels, I think that I'm spot-on with 230 watts. The data below doesn't show that, but that's because of the inconsistent readings tonight caused by the USB mouse interference....I rode the expected effort level 95% of the time...and it dang near killed me! I don't know if I'll have anything left tomorrow, much less anytime after that.

Below is my data. Looking forward to tomorrow.

hhnf1 hhnf2

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