So it snowed today! Go figure. I don't put the shovel away til May 15 anyway.
I watched the snow all morning, mixed with rain but no wind. I thought "Today is the day that I'll workout and somebody else won't, and when we meet, I'll win." The fact that there was no wind helped alot. I put Paul in the cruiser, wrapped him up nice and warm, grabbed the dog, and off we went on our usual 2.7 mile lap, planning two laps. The dog was tired after the first lap, and Paul was sleeping soundly. I dropped the dog off at home, and headed off on the second lap. By now, I was thinking "If Paul stays asleep, I'm going for a third lap." I did a nine-miler on Monday last week and decided I wanted one long run like that each week. Today was the day cuz I biked on the trainer Monday night instead of running because of weather. I finished the third lap, and Paul woke up half way through and just kind of sat there like he always does (I wish I could tell if he actually likes it or not!). So, a good 8.7 mile run, and I felt good about it.
Then I did a Spinnerval 28 workout at 5:30. I didn't expect alot from it because my legs were really tired Monday night (I just eased through a 45 min steady ride). And I knew I would have to cut it a bit short because I had a work committement; I had to be off the bike at 6:15. This was my best Spinnerval 28 workout yet. I cranked out the high gear with the highest cadence and lowest (relatively) heart rates yet. I was mentally prepared, but I'm suprised by what was in my legs. Maybe it was the shot of hammer gel before the workout that I normally don't take but it was leftover from the weekend race and I didn't want it to go bad. Anyway, I am very happy with that workout.
I bought some melatonin last week to try to help me sleep. There are no known major side affects, but I did read everywhere that it can cause lucid dreams. The first night I took it, I slept great and woke up very refreshed. The second night I took it, I had a very crazy dream. I haven't taken it since. For five bucks, I got 300 5mg pills. Now I have 298 I don't plan to use but have available. I really did sleep great with it, but the dream was a bit much. I normally don't remember my dreams, so it's doubly suprising that way.
Swim speed drills on Monday were good. I'm using a competition suit now instead of the usual running shorts with an open pocket on one side. I think that one open pocket is causing a muscle imbalance to begin, and I think it's creating bad form. So, I made the switch. Splits were about 15 seconds faster on the 100s! So I added one 100, 2 50s, and 2 25s. Felt great
I'm a family guy who is addicted to swim/bike/run and anything to do with getting out into the backcountry wilderness areas. This blog focuses on the swim, bike, run and other various aspects of my attempts to finish in the top ten percent of my age group in whatever race I do. It used to be all about finishing the legs of an Olympic Distance triathlon: swim in 20 minutes, bike in 60 minutes, and run in 40 minutes. Now, it's more about training well and finishing well.
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